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Recreation and Park Committee Meeting Agenda 10/02/2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
        Building #7 Conference Room, Avon Town Hall

5:30 pm
I.      Call to Order – Chairman Peter Ponziani
A.      Attendance

II.     Minutes – November 13, 2012 (forwarded via email with this agenda)

III.    Public Comment

IV      Director’s Report
V.      Correspondence
VI.     Committee Communication

VII.    Old Business
        A.      Fisher Meadows Field Project – Update
                1.      Fisher Fund Balance - $ 217,321.36
        B.      Summer Day Camps – Update
        C.      Sycamore Hills Pool and Bathhouse Painting Update
VIII.   New Business
        A.      Lacrosse Request for Use of Fisher Meadows for Spring, 2014 Tournament
        B.      Capital Improvement Program – to be forwarded prior to the meeting (cover page with last year’s priorities attached to email)
        C.      General Fund Budget – Minimum Wage, etc.
        D.      Set Dates for future meetings

IX.     Adjournment

N:\Recreation\Rec. & Park Committee\Agenda\October 2, 2013.doc